Set yourself up for success with SMART Goals

It’s that time of year when we society tells us we need to decide to make drastic changes to our lives. ‘New Year, New Me,’ right?

While self- reflection and motivation for change are both positive, ‘new year resolutions’ can often be rigid, all-or-nothing, and just plain unrealistic. Often resolutions are dropped almost as quickly as they’re implemented. Instead of choosing to overhaul your life, you might consider setting a realistic intention or goal in the new year. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, explore your spirituality, or take better care of you mental wellbeing, setting SMART goals can be a great place to start!

How to make a SMART Goal:

S: Specific- Be detailed in describing what you want to achieve. What are you trying to accomplish? What steps will it take to get there?

M: Measurable- Indicators like “once a week” or “increase by 25%” rather than “more frequently” provide an easier way to measure your progress. What is your schedule regarding your goal? How will you know once you’ve reached it?

A: Achievable- Setting attainable parameters up front allows for success. The goal may look lest drastic, but will be more likely to sustain.

R: Relevant- Why is this goal important to you? Does this goal align with your values and what you want?

T: Time- Draw out a timeline. How long will it take to reach your goal? When do you want to accomplish it?

Remember, SMART goals can always change as you work toward your end goal. They evolve as you evolve.

We hope that by using the SMART goal formula, you can make attainable and meaningful change in the new year if you chose to do so.

Leslie Beattie is a therapist at Marigold Counseling. Click here to learn more about Leslie and work with her!


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