What is "Sleep Hygiene?”

Sleep is simply a part of life. An average adult needs 7-9 hours, while a teen needs 8-10 hours each night. Our quality of sleep impacts our physical functioning, mental functioning, and ultimately, overall health. 

Sleep hygiene refers to the behaviors as well as the environment created for our sleep. While not everyone has the same needs when it comes to sleep hygiene, here is a list of factors that can contribute to good sleep hygiene:

  • Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

  • Writing down your worries. Setting aside worry time earlier in the day can help with an easier time to fall asleep at night.

  • Exercising regularly.

  • Using relaxation exercises.

  • Creating a relaxing environment to sleep. For example, your bedroom is dark and the temperature is comfortable. Your bed is comfortable with pillows and blankets you like to use.

  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine. It is recommended caffeine not be consumed 4-6 hours before bedtime.

  • Avoiding napping during the day.

  • Turning off screens 1 hour before bedtime. Bright blue light from screens tricks our mind into thinking we should be awake.

  • Creating a relaxing routine before bedtime. Think of relaxing things you would like to implement before bedtime. Maybe reading a chapter of a book, having a warm cup of tea (caffeine-free!), doing some slow yoga stretches, or listening to a podcast could help with getting your mindset ready to go to bed.




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